Shelter is a building or a house structure that can cover and protect us against local environmental conditions. The design of the house can also affect the quality of life and the environment. If the house we live in does not pay attention to its supporting aspects, it will subvert the contribution in global emissions from the construction sector and cause impacts such as depleting natural resources, energy, use of clean water and the release of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
Through the Sustainability Workshop series Shelter, we will identify and learn more about sustainable house issues. This starts from the most basic sustainability issue such as food, water, waste and energy issues. Starts from how we got those things, how the cycle is strongly influenced by the pattern of daily life and how to make our house greener and more environmentally friendly, until finally realizing the alternative sources of food, water, and energy supply also waste management system in the simplest form at home by looking at the green architecture design and how the system works directly to support a sustainable shelter! In the end, we will practice in designing our own green shelter!