Terrarium is a medium or container that is made of glass or transparent plastic containing miniature artificial wild ecosystems. Studying and observing terrarium could be a way for us to sharpen our sensitivity and take a closer look at the natural ecosystem in its smallest and simplest form.

The product, called Terrarium starter kit (TERAKIT) is intended for families and children to learn how to plant and observe biodiversity in nature on a smaller scale from the comfort of their own home. Terrarium can also be used for various needs, such as for research, farming methods and decoration.

What you will get inside our DIY Terrarium Starter Kit is a complete package to build your own 'nature' ecosystem. Inside there are glass containers, stones, sand, soil, charcoal, moss, terrarium plants, decorations, sticks, shovels, spray, loops, and a guidebook!

Price : Rp295.000

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