Kalimantan forests always hold extraordinary biological wealth, and this wealth can be seen in the Tanjung Puting National Park. Tanjung Puting National Park is one of the best places to explore the forest and its biodiversity.

On this virtual trip, you will feel the sensation of river cruising an exotic sekonyer river, see the animals around you, and of course see the amazing Orangutan. And not only that, you will also feel the sensation of Forest Healing by enjoying the peaceful forest atmosphere and hearing the beautiful forest sounds.


River cruising sekonyer river and see the riches of the Kalimantan Forest

You will feel the sensation of river cruising the exotic sekonyer river while seeing the richness of flora and fauna in the Tanjung Puting forest, such as proboscis monkeys, crocodiles, nepenthes, iron wood, and many more. Apart from the richness of flora and fauna, forests and rivers in Tanjung Puting have a very vital role for the Dayak people who live in it.

See the Orangutan : the great apes and forest protector

You can also see orangutans up close, the only the great apes in Asia. See how amazing Orangutans and the uniqueness of their behavior, such as the life cycle, listen their long calls, and see their role as farmers and forest protectors.

Learn the threats that cause suffering to forest and Orangutan

In this virtual journey, you will also see threats that can destroy the forest, orangutan, and other biodiversity, such as illegal logging, forest fires, and poaching. And this threat does not only happen in Indonesia, but throughout the world.

See the conservation action to save and rescue our forest and Orangutan

After seeing the threat, we will see the enthusiasm and determination of the national parks, NGOs, and local communities to save forests and orangutans. We will see and learn how they restore forest ecosystems and help orangutans through save and rescue operations.

Forest Healing Session : Heal Yourself by feeling the forest atmosphere

The atmosphere of the forest always gives you peace of mind. And on this virtual journey, you will enjoy the Forest Healing session by feeling the forest atmosphere and listening to the animals chirping in the forest. This session will give you peace and health.

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