Indonesia produces 64 million tons of waste annually. That number is equivalent to 640,000 blue whales, the largest animal on earth. More than 50% of this waste is organic waste derived from food. And of all this waste, only 7% can be recycled or composted.

Waste that is not recycled and unmanaged will cause environmental pollution. And processing our own waste is one solution to reduce the impact of this pollution. In this Virtual Workshop ‘Waste Series’, we will learn how to reduce our waste and recycle our waste, especially turning our organic waste into compost through fun session.


See the waste cycle : where does our waste end?

Do you know where's the trash you threw today? The trash we throw away may end up in landfills, but what happens in landfills? In this session, we will look at how our waste travels and what happens to our waste in landfills.

Manage our waste in a sustainable way

Managing our waste in a sustainable way will help tp reduce waste production and save the environment. And in this workshop, we will learn how to manage waste in our homes in a easy and sustainable way.

Start composting in your home

More than 50% of the waste that we produce is organic waste. And if we manage this waste, it means we have reduced our waste production by 50%. In this workshop, we will learn and practice how to compost in our homes in an easy, simple, and fun way.

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